Emily Aaronson
Board of Trustees
Emily Aaronson is Assistant Chief Quality Officer at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) where she is a part of the quality and safety leadership team at the institution. Her portfolio intersects quality measurement and performance improvement, including helping to lead the institutional efforts to harmonize quality across the MGH affiliated institutions.
Emily is also an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School, an attending physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine at MGH, and a medical director for CRICO, a risk management firm.
Emily’s yoga journey started during six months in India, and lead her to a teacher training shortly after. She discovered Kripalu 15 years ago and has returned in times of stability and transition, with friends, with family and alone. Kripalu has served as a source of centering and grounding throughout Emily’s personal and professional life. Emily lives in Cambridge, MA with her husband and two daughters.
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